“Your Kingdom Come”

If you are waiting for your own kingdom to fix all the problems we face, don’t hold your breath. Any kingdom under the sun is ultimately a part of the problem. What we need is a new kingdom to break in and free us from Satan. That’s the reason Jesus Christ came. 

“Did Christ Die for Me?”

The glory of the cross is not that people get to escape hell and enjoy eternal comfort. The glory of the cross is that God saves. Salvation is about God before it is about us.

Human Dignity

According to the God of the Bible, dignity isn’t something you earn based on your wealth or merit—it’s something you’re given. By your very existence, the mere fact that you are a human means that you are an image-bearer of God and have dignity. You have intrinsic value and worth.

What You Boast In

The Bible gives us several pictures of the resurrected Jesus in all his glory, and the amazing thing is, he still bears his scars. They’re no longer a source of pain or shame, they are a constant proclamation of his glorious love. He wears them like a trophy.

My Philosophy of Ministry

The following is my personal philosophy of ministry. A philosophy of ministry (POM) is neither the doctrinal foundation of ministry nor the nuts and bolts of ministry work. Instead, it is the “secret sauce” that bridges the gap between the two. To this end, I’ve intentionally crafted my POM as a collection of loosely organized

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Jumping Off Bridges

Heed Paul’s warning. Flee from justification by works. Don’t jump off that bridge. The false gospel is no gospel at all. Instead, look to Jesus. Right there, at the heart of our gospel, is the Son of God, who loves you and gave himself for you.